Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why do people stop blogging?

I was asking myself this question..... Do I like to write or not?
Mmmmm.....Yes. Really? No? Why?

Was just wondering what made me cut down my blogging? At first, I started to think that it was the shortage of time, given that I spend a substantial amount of my daily time spent on office work, traveling to/fro office and other things such as ....worrying about a billion things near to the moon.

In effect, I figured some of the actual reasons are these:

1. Trying to put up a post on my blog, also means that I'm putting it up wide open for others to see and read, and add to their opinion about something I write, or about myself as well! This in effect makes me want to write cautiously, curtailing my natural choice of topics I want to write about..

2. Secondly, for the same reason, there is an inherent call forcing myself to be grammatically correct, spell each word correctly, use some smart catchphrases, make the article more suitable and conforming to an onlooker's perception, rather than just letting the words come out, flowing freely!

Oliviero Toscani, ex-creative head of Benetton, said.....

"The single biggest roadblock to creativity is your inherent need to conform".

So, in essence, I decided to give purism and conformity a pass and let thoughts flow freely, without the need to conform to anything written or otherwise, and write. Read it if you want, make an impression if you want, be judgmental if you want, but hey, I've had my word anyway!


Into the Wild......A choice!

It's been quite a while since I blogged. Thought I'd key down a short para on a couple of things I did over this weekend!

Firstly, I watched this movie called Into the Wild. I'd recommend it for anyone for whom the recluse within has been chained for a while, by an overly cautious voice echoing these words time and again, constricting yourself in the world of "logical reasoning", "make the right choice", with an implicit, yet, explicit definition of that "right" choice.......seemingly trying to make yourself believe that this is your very own choice. This movie is dedicated to "Christopher McCandless", who in essence didnt really bring it to the point of having to make a least for the part where his journey would delve into...

Pick up the book or the movie sometime, if you are interested!